About Us
RadHealth aims to raise public awareness of the detrimental effects caused by radiation and pollution, and provide information on protective mitigation measures and services to achieve vibrant health.
1. Promote healthy lifestyle and wholesome foods for healing and protection against radiation and pollution in the environment.
2. Organize / engage in meetings, technical visits, workshops, conferences, seminars, fairs and exhibitions to raise the awareness on issues related to radiation, pollution and healthy living, for community groups, schools, elderly, office workers, and members of the public.
3. Co-organize, with other associations or institutions, events and classes on radiation and health protection.
4. Advise on protective mitigation measures against the harmful effects of various forms of radiation, providing assistance and monitoring as necessary.
5. Produce information papers and publications for the purpose of raising awareness of these issues.
6. Support projects and studies regarding radiation pollution and education of the public on such issues.